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The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum

The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum

Follow the exact learning materials that we use for our coding bootcamp students to build full stack apps in 3 months & get jobs.

Best of all - you can do this without zero coding background!

  • All coding bootcamp learning slides and coding exercises.
  • 4 modules, 64 lessons, 100+ challenges, 10+ assessments & 25 projects.
  • Access to our community with like-minded learners.
  • Certificate of completion in Full Stack Web Development.
  • Bonus #1: Ready-to-edit CV & portfolio templates.
  • Bonus #2: Job/freelancing CRM templates.

Follow the exact learning materials that we use for our coding bootcamp students to build full stack apps in 3 months & get jobs.

Best of all - you can do this without zero coding background!

  • All coding bootcamp learning slides and coding exercises.
  • 4 modules, 64 lessons, 100+ challenges, 10+ assessments & 25 projects.
  • Access to our community with like-minded learners.
  • Certificate of completion in Full Stack Web Development.
  • Bonus #1: Ready-to-edit CV & portfolio templates.
  • Bonus #2: Job/freelancing CRM templates.


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Why should you consider this?

A solid & complete curriculum can change everything.

Having a proper plan is the difference between spending 3 months or spending 20 months (or even forever, because most tend to give up) to successfully break into tech.

Many new learners end up learning in circles, going from tutorial to tutorial, but never able to build anything worthy from scratch.

Who better to help you than our actual coding bootcamp that we charge $10,000+ for!

The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum

Simple & straight-to-the-point materials you can use to break into tech – even as a complete beginner.

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Use our CV templates that actually works. Stand out from the crowd with our tried-and-tested templates. No more guessing and wasting time editing your CV.

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Stop Guessing

Get access to the learning materials we literally use in our $10,000+ coding bootcamp to help students build full stack apps and land jobs in tech.

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Stay Focused

You don’t need to jump from platform to platform. Stick with one. What’s better than following the curriculum of a real coding bootcamp?

Comprehensive Full Stack Curriculum You Can Use To Break Into tech, Even If You Are A Complete Beginner

Landing your first tech job/project is one of the greatest feelings you can experience as an aspiring developer. There is simply nothing else like it. That's because when you land your first tech job, you get to enjoy financial stability, a sense of accomplishment, and the start of a promising career path.

However, there are many obstacles you have to overcome before you can get there. Not only do you have to learn coding, build a portfolio, and ace interviews - but you also have to break into the tech industry, which can be the most difficult challenge of all. All of this can leave you falling well short of the mark and stop you from ever landing your first tech job.

Fortunately, though, landing your first tech job doesn't have to be as challenging as you think. Far from it, in fact. Simply by implementing the right tried-and-tested techniques, you can land your first tech job without experiencing any of the common frustrations.

How would we know? Because, at Sigma School, we're experts at helping aspiring developers land their first tech job quickly.

Over the past 3 years, we've trained and worked with 100+ students, with many who eventually landed jobs and served 6-7 figure project clients without the years of hard work and trial and error most people usually have to suffer through.

We've prepared The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum to share some of the powerful industry secrets we've accumulated during our time in the tech industry. The information you're about to consume will help you land your first tech job while making sure you avoid lack of experience, not knowing where to start, fear of interviews.

By the time you've finished ready, you'll have all the information you need to kickstart your journey to success and break into tech!

Let's get started!

What’s included in the curriculum?

Our complete curriculum covered by our Complete Software Development Programme

complete software development programme curriculum
  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to Programming

    This initial module introduces the course, outlining its structure, objectives, and expectations. It's designed to set the stage for a structured learning path in software development, ensuring students grasp the foundational knowledge crucial for all aspects of the field.

  • Lesson 2 - Variables, Strings

    This lesson covers the basics of coding, including the declaration and manipulation of variables, and handling strings. It's essential for understanding data management, a fundamental skill in software development. The accompanying project, the Menu Project, allows students to practically apply these concepts by creating a menu in code, demonstrating how theoretical knowledge is used in real-world programming.

  • Lesson 3 - Functions

    Students are introduced to the concept, utility, and creation of functions in programming. Functions are key to writing organised, reusable, and efficient code, a vital aspect of software development. The Calculator project associated with this lesson provides a practical application, where students develop a functional calculator, reinforcing their understanding of functions in action.

  • Lesson 4 - Conditionals

    This lesson teaches students how to use conditional statements such as IF, ELSE, and ELSE IF to control the flow of a program. Understanding conditionals is fundamental for decision-making in software development. In the Flag Quiz App project, students apply this knowledge to create a quiz application, showcasing the use of conditional logic in developing interactive applications.

  • Lesson 5 - Arrays

    The arrays module introduces students to this key data structure used for storing multiple values. Arrays are critical for effective data organisation and manipulation in software development. Through the Todo App project, students get to apply their knowledge by building a simple To Do list application, illustrating the practical utility of arrays.

  • Lesson 6 - Objects

    In this lesson, students learn about creating, managing, and manipulating objects, which are central to representing and working with data in software development. The Students List project aims at implementing these object-oriented concepts in a list-managing application, giving a hands-on experience in object manipulation.

  • Lesson 7 - DOM (Document Object Model)

    This module explains the Document Object Model (DOM), essential for understanding how browsers process HTML and JavaScript. It's a fundamental concept for interacting with and manipulating web pages in software development. The project, a Login Screen, involves developing a login interface, applying DOM manipulation techniques and highlighting their importance in web development.

  • Lesson 8 - Classes

    Students are introduced to classes, a core concept in object-oriented programming. Understanding classes is vital for bringing structure and reusability to software development. In the Family App project, students apply the concepts of classes to create an app for managing family member details, demonstrating the practical use of class structures.

  • Lesson 9 - Modules

    This lesson teaches how to use modules to structure large programs, making them more manageable and organised. This skill enhances code organisation and maintainability, which is crucial in complex software development projects. The Translator App project allows students to build a translation application, demonstrating modular programming in a real-world scenario.

  • Lesson 10 - EcmaScript

    Students learn about EcmaScript, a scripting-language standard that includes JavaScript, enabling them to write more efficient code. Keeping up with current standards like EcmaScript is important for improving code quality in software development. The Authentication module focuses on applying these scripting techniques to user authentication, a critical element in many applications.

  • Lesson 11 - Web APIs

    This lesson introduces Web APIs, teaching students how to interact with external services and retrieve data, a key skill in modern web development. The practical application of this knowledge is demonstrated in the Bus Arrival App project, where students use Web APIs to create a functional and practical bus arrival prediction app, showcasing real-world API integration.

  • Lesson 12 - Git & Github

    The module on Git and Github explains these crucial tools for version control and code collaboration. Mastery of Git and Github is essential for team collaboration and effective code management in professional software development environments.

  • Lesson 13 - Bootstrap

    Students are introduced to Bootstrap, a popular framework for designing responsive and mobile-first websites. Understanding Bootstrap is key for developing user-friendly and adaptable interfaces in modern web development.

  • Lesson 14 - Coding Challenge

    This module is designed to test and enhance students' coding skills and problem-solving abilities. It encourages critical thinking and practical application of their accumulated knowledge in various software development tasks.

  • Lesson 15 - Basics Assessment

    The course concludes with a recap module, providing an assessment to evaluate students' understanding and assimilation of the basic content. This ensures they have a strong foundational knowledge base, crucial for advancing in the field of software development.

  • Lesson 1 - Dev Setup + Intro to React w/ Resume Project

    In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a development environment and use React to build a dynamic menu component. By the end, you will have the skills needed to build user interfaces with React.

  • Lesson 2 - Props with Menu Project

    In this lesson, you will delve deeper into React by introducing props, a mechanism for passing data from parent to child components. Students will build a Menu project, learning how to use props to create reusable and maintainable code.

  • Lesson 3 - useState with Like Counter

    The lesson introduces the useState hook, a built-in React hook for managing state. Students will learn how to use useState by building a Like Counter application, gaining hands-on experience with state management in React.

  • Lesson 4 - useContext with Dark Mode

    This lesson introduces the useContext hook, a built-in React hook for managing global state. Students will learn how to use useContext by building a Dark Mode application, mastering the art of managing global state in React.

  • Lesson 5 - React Router with Login

    In this lesson, students are introduced to React Router, a popular routing library for React. It covers the basic concepts, benefits of React Router, and guides students through building a Login application, forming a foundation for advanced front-end development.

  • Lesson 6 - Conditional Rendering with Todo App

    This lesson covers conditional rendering, a fundamental concept in React for displaying different UI elements based on certain conditions. Students will build a Todo App, learning how to use conditional rendering to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

  • Lesson 7 - useEffect with APIs with Bus Arrival App

    The lesson introduces the useEffect hook, a built-in React hook for managing side effects. Students will learn how to use useEffect by building a Bus Arrival App, mastering the art of fetching data from APIs in React.

  • Lesson 8 - useEffect with Clean Up with Timer App

    This lesson covers the use of useEffect for managing clean up, a crucial concept for handling side effects in React. Students will build a Timer App, learning how to use useEffect for managing clean up and handling side effects in React.

  • Lesson 9 - useRef with Todo & Timer App

    The lesson introduces the useRef hook, a built-in React hook for referencing DOM elements. Students will learn how to use useRef by building a Todo & Timer App, mastering the art of referencing DOM elements in React.

  • Lesson 10 - Redux with Ecommerce App

    This lesson introduces Redux, a popular state management library for React. Students will learn how to use Redux by building an Ecommerce App, mastering the art of managing complex state in React.

  • Lesson 11 - Instagram Clone Part 1 - Redux

    In this practical project, students start building an Instagram clone, applying the lessons learned in React and Redux. This project helps in consolidating their understanding of front-end development.

  • Lesson 12 - Instagram Clone Part 2 - Upload Image Feature

    The continuation of the Instagram clone project, where students implement more complex features and functionalities, enhancing their skills in real-world application development.

  • Lesson 13 - Front-End Assessment

    An assessment module designed to evaluate the students' ability to utilize their skills in front-end technologies including React, Redux, and others, ensuring they are ready for professional front-end development tasks.

  • Lesson 14 - Front-End Presentation

    In this module, students present their front-end projects. It allows them to practice their presentation and explanation skills, and highlights their achievements and learning progress during the course.

  • Lesson 1 - Intro to APIs

    This lesson covers the basics of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), including what they are, why they are important, and how to use them. Students will learn how to make HTTP requests, parse JSON data, and use APIs to retrieve and display data in their applications.

  • Lesson 2 - Express JS + SQL Part 1

    In this lesson, students will learn how to build a REST API using Express JS and SQL. They will learn how to set up a database, define models, and create endpoints for CRUD (Create, Read) operations.

  • Lesson 3 - Express JS + SQL Part 2

    This lesson continues from the previous one, where students will continue building the REST API using Express JS and SQL. They will learn how to create endpoints (Update, Delete) operations.

  • Lesson 4 - JSON Web Token with Login API

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication. They will learn how to create and verify tokens, handle token expiration, and use JWT for secure communication between the client and the server.

  • Lesson 5 - Twitter Clone Part 1 - Entity Relationship Diagram

    This lesson covers the design of the Twitter Clone, including the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) and the database schema. Students will learn how to set up a database, define models, and create endpoints for CRUD operations.

  • Lesson 6 - Twitter Clone Part 2 - JWT

    In this lesson, students will learn how to add authentication to the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to use JWT for secure communication between the client and the server, handle user registration and login, and manage user sessions.

  • Lesson 7 - Twitter Clone Part 3 - Likes Feature

    This lesson covers the implementation of the Likes feature in the Twitter Clone. Students will learn how to use Redux for state management, handle user interactions, and update the UI in real-time.

  • Lesson 8 - Twitter Clone Part 4 - Redux

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use Redux for state management in the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to manage global state, handle actions and reducers, and use middleware for asynchronous operations.

  • Lesson 9 - Firebase Auth with Twitter Clone

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use Firebase Authentication for user management in the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to handle user registration and login, manage user sessions, and secure their application.

  • Lesson 10 - Firestore + No SQL with Twitter Clone

    This lesson covers the implementation of Firestore for No SQL data storage in the Twitter Clone. Students will learn how to define collections, documents, and fields, handle data validation, and use queries for retrieving data.

  • Lesson 11 - Firebase Storage with Twitter Clone

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use Firebase Storage for file storage in the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to upload, download, and manage files, handle file metadata, and use security rules for access control.

  • Lesson 12 - Testing with Counter App

    This lesson covers the basics of testing in React. Students will learn how to write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests for a Counter App. They will learn how to use tools for testing.

  • Lesson 13 - CI/CD with Twitter Clone

    In this lesson, students will learn how to set up a CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) pipeline for the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to use tools for automated testing, building, and deployment.

  • Lesson 14 - Web Hosting with Twitter Clone

    Focused on making a web application accessible online, this lesson teaches students about the various web hosting services and the steps involved in deploying the Twitter clone to a hosting provider.

  • Lesson 15 - Full Stack Assessment

    Serving as the capstone assessment, this module evaluates the students' ability to integrate front-end, back-end, and database management skills in a full-stack application, culminating their learning experience.

  • Lesson 1 - Brief of Final Capstone Project

    This lesson introduces the final Capstone project, providing an overview of the project's objective, scope, and the expected output from students. It sets the stage for a comprehensive application of the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course.

  • Lesson 2 - Responsive Design

    This lesson focuses on designing websites and applications that function well across various devices, from mobiles to desktops. It ensures students can create a seamless user experience, a critical aspect of modern web development.

  • Lesson 3 - Understanding Big O Notation

    Students dive into Big O notation to understand the efficiency of code. This includes learning about constant time operations (O(1)), linear time tasks (O(n)), and efficient operations like binary searches (O(log n)), which are fundamental concepts in algorithm efficiency.

  • Lesson 4 - Time and Space Complexity

    This module delves into measuring code efficiency not just by its speed (time complexity) but also by how much computer memory it uses (space complexity), a key consideration in optimising software performance.

  • Lesson 5 - Simple Recursion

    Students unpack the concept of recursion, where functions call themselves to simplify complex problems. This is an important technique in software development for breaking down tasks into more manageable parts.

  • Lesson 6 - Bubble Sort

    The lesson explores bubble sort, a technique for arranging items in order by swapping neighbouring items if they're out of sequence, providing a foundational understanding of sorting algorithms.

  • Lesson 7 - Binary Search

    Students learn the binary search method, an efficient way to find items in sorted lists by continually halving the search area, a crucial technique for optimizing search functionality.

  • Lesson 8 - Hash Table (Empty Object)

    This module covers hash tables, explaining how they allow for rapid storage and retrieval of data using unique keys, an essential concept in efficient data handling.

  • Lesson 9 - Stacks

    Students learn about stacks, a collection type where items are added and removed from the top, analogous to stacking plates. Understanding stacks is important for certain data processing tasks in software development.

  • Lesson 10 - Queue

    This lesson dives into queues, a collection type where items are added at the back and taken from the front, mimicking a real-life queue. It's a fundamental concept for managing data sequences in programming.

  • Lesson 11 - Build Portfolio

    Students create a portfolio to showcase their projects and skills to potential employers, a critical step in transitioning into the professional world.

  • Lesson 12 - How to Present & Mock Interview

    This module prepares students for the job market by practising technical presentation skills and undergoing simulated job interviews, equipping them with the confidence and skills needed for career success.

  • Lesson 13 - Algorithm Test & Presentation

    In the final lesson, students tackle algorithm challenges and present their final Capstone project, demonstrating their comprehensive understanding and practical application of the skills learned throughout the course.

Don't just take our word for it

We've trained hundreds of students now, here's what they have to say

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Complete Software Development Programme for beginners?
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YES! This course covers everything from the BASICS to the most ADVANCED topics. This is a full stack course meaning both Frontend, Backend and Mobile App technologies will be taught. Whether you have ZERO experience or 10+ years of experience, this course is meant for you!

How is this different from the Complete Software Development Programme?
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This is an entirely self-paced programme where you get the same entire curriculum to learn on your own. However, there will be no mentor/instructor support, job preparation, job matching, career consultation provided!

I'm bad at math. Can i be a software developer?
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Math is not a pre-requisite for coding. Logical thinking and problem solving is. We spend a lot of time working on the fundamentals with our students. We believe anyone can code if they remain determined and put in sufficient time and effort.

Do not give up! Stay the course, you can do it too.

I've tried coding but find it difficult. How can you help me?
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It is normal to find coding challenging - this is common among all software developers. If it was easy, it wouldn't be such such a lucrative and in-demand role!

Everyone starts from zero! We deliberately structured our education team at Sigma School to be comprised of self-taught developers, bootcamp-graduates and Computer Science university graduates so we can relate to you every part of the way, from different unique viewpoints and experiences.

Whenever you're stuck, our students have a clear step-by-step procedure on helping them get past their obstacles by debugging, researching, problem solving, peer-based pair programming!

Do I need a Computer Science degree to get a job in tech?
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No you do not! Apple, Tesla, Google and tons of other big tech startups in the West have dropped the requirement for a university degree.

We believe this is the right direction and it will only grow from here. Most of Sigma School's community members do not have CS degrees, but are working professionally as developers. Sigma School has even have community members from unrelated fields like operational safety, law, accounting. Even the founders themselves were from a Finance background.

We exist because universities are unable to produce enough engineers. There's such a high demand for techies now. Companies will hire people who can get the job done and add value to their organisation, with or without a degree.

The world is lacking coders today, and companies don't have a choice. Learn to code, add value, build great products. You absolutely DO NOT need a computer science degree to get a job in tech.

Why choose Sigma School?
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Sigma School's courses are straight to the point. Comprehensively covering topics in frontend, backend, mobile app, and algorithms, and focusing on real world projects resulting in a more standout portfolio.

We have a money back guarantee and we commit to provide a full refund if you do not get a job in tech after you graduate from the programme.

We consistently charge ridiculously below market rate and add way more value than what our student's are paying.

We pride ourselves in our team of instructor's ability to simplify coding concepts and provide an enjoyable, delightful and entertaining learning journey to our students for the typically boring coding concepts.

We are sincere about your growth and will work closely with you to help you achieve your goals. Your success is our success. We take it into our own hands and give it our all to help you! All you need to do is put in the hard work and stay the course. We are committed to invest all our time in you.

We firmly believe that we only win when our students win.

Can I find all of this information online for free?
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In theory you probably could, and we've always been advocates for making tech education as open as possible, and our aim is to get as many people as possible learning how to code (as long as they do it properly!).

However to get all the information in a structured way, and all the toolkit and materials for free, would be really hard and would take months or years of piecing bits of information together. Also, most of the information that's readily available is on the internet (including our own) speaks to a total beginner audience, whereas the material in our course, while suitable for beginners, will give you a deep-dive into the complete software development lifecycle and all the process and materials around it.

The tools and stacks we provide as part of the course are the actual 'live' stuff we're currently using with our real clients, and we’ve never made it readily available up till now, in this course. To our knowledge, there isn’t anyone else putting this stuff out there.

In our experience, many self-taught learners end up giving up after a couple of tries because of the vast ecosystem in tech and how confusing it can be.

I want to train my company/employees - do you offer a bulk discount?
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Yes - we're really passionate about empowering entire teams with tech. If 5 or more people at your company would like to take the course, then get in touch with and we can tell you more about our special team pricing!

Will I get a certificate?
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  • Definitely! We provide a certificate upon your completion and graduation from Sigma School. You will be able to use the certificate and link it to your social media profiles, CV & portfolio website. Throughout your course with Sigma School, you will receive a 4 certifications upon completion of our key milestones:
    • Level 1: Coding Fundamentals
    • Level 2: Frontend Development
    • Level 3: Backend Development
    • Level 4: Full Stack Development
  • And finally upon completion of all 4, you will receive a final certificate for the Complete Software Development Programme!
What can I do after I complete the course?
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This course will equip you with the skills to fundamentally understand how software works and learn how to code. With this, you will be able to build anything you want. Start a tech company, get a remote job, start freelancing, or simply automating the boring stuff in your life. The opportunities are endless!

Here’s What’s Included

Everything you need to upskill and break into tech!

Complete coding bootcamp learning materials (slides) and coding exercise platform. (Worth $3,000)
4 modules, 64 lessons, 100+ challenges, 10+ assessments & 25 projects. (Worth $3,000)
Access to our community with like-minded learners. (Worth $1,000)
Certificate of completion in Full Stack Web Development. (Worth $1,000)
Bonus #1: Ready-to-edit CV & portfolio templates. (Worth $100)
Bonus #2: Job/freelancing CRM templates. (Worth $100)

Total Worth:$8,200

For early birds (limited time only),
The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum is only...

RM 1,999


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