
"My experience at Sigma School has been great"


"Very recommended for beginner with zero coding experience"


"I love how the course is structured with comprehensive and detailed learning"

The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum (Self Paced)

The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum (Self Paced)

Follow the exact learning materials that we use for our coding bootcamp students to build full stack apps in 3 months & get jobs.

Best of all - you can do this without zero coding background!

  • All coding bootcamp learning slides and coding exercises.
  • 4 modules, 64 lessons, 100+ challenges, 10+ assessments & 25 projects.
  • 10+ Beginner friendly and high quality explainer videos.
  • Access to our community with like-minded learners.
  • Certificate of completion in Full Stack Web Development.
  • Bonus #1: Ready-to-edit CV & portfolio templates.
  • Bonus #2: Job/freelancing CRM templates.

Follow the exact learning materials that we use for ourcoding bootcamp students to build full stack apps in 3 months & get jobs.

Best of all - you can do this without zero coding background!

  • All coding bootcamp learning slides and coding exercises.
  • 4 modules, 64 lessons, 100+ challenges, 10+ assessments & 25 projects.
  • 10+ Beginner friendly and high quality explainer videos.
  • Access to our community with like-minded learners.
  • Certificate of completion in Full Stack Web Development.
  • Bonus #1: Ready-to-edit CV & portfolio templates.
  • Bonus #2: Job/freelancing CRM templates.

Our instructors come from top companies

instructor companiesinstructor companies
Why should you consider this?

A solid & complete curriculum can change everything.

Having a proper plan is the difference between spending 3 months or spending 20 months (or even forever, because most tend to give up) to successfully break into tech.

Many new learners end up learning in circles, going from tutorial to tutorial, but never able to build anything worthy from scratch.

Who better to help you than our actual coding bootcamp that we charge $10,000+ for!

The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum

Simple & straight-to-the-point materials you can use to break into tech – even as a complete beginner.

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Save Time

Use our CV templates that actually works. Stand out from the crowd with our tried-and-tested templates. No more guessing and wasting time editing your CV.

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Stop Guessing

Get access to the learning materials we literally use in our $10,000+ coding bootcamp to help students build full stack apps and land jobs in tech.

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Stay Focused

You don’t need to jump from platform to platform. Stick with one. What’s better than following the curriculum of a real coding bootcamp?

Comprehensive Full Stack Curriculum You Can Use To Break Into tech, Even If You Are A Complete Beginner

Landing your first tech job/project is one of the greatest feelings you can experience as an aspiring developer. There is simply nothing else like it. That's because when you land your first tech job, you get to enjoy financial stability, a sense of accomplishment, and the start of a promising career path.

However, there are many obstacles you have to overcome before you can get there. Not only do you have to learn coding, build a portfolio, and ace interviews - but you also have to break into the tech industry, which can be the most difficult challenge of all. All of this can leave you falling well short of the mark and stop you from ever landing your first tech job.

Fortunately, though, landing your first tech job doesn't have to be as challenging as you think. Far from it, in fact. Simply by implementing the right tried-and-tested techniques, you can land your first tech job without experiencing any of the common frustrations.

How would we know? Because, at Sigma School, we're experts at helping aspiring developers land their first tech job quickly.

Over the past 3 years, we've trained and worked with 100+ students, with many who eventually landed jobs and served 6-7 figure project clients without the years of hard work and trial and error most people usually have to suffer through.

We've prepared The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum to share some of the powerful industry secrets we've accumulated during our time in the tech industry. The information you're about to consume will help you land your first tech job while making sure you avoid lack of experience, not knowing where to start, fear of interviews.

By the time you've finished ready, you'll have all the information you need to kickstart your journey to success and break into tech!

Let's get started!

What’s included in the curriculum?

Our complete curriculum covered by our Complete Software Development Programme

complete software development programme curriculum

Kick start your coding journey with simple hands-on projects that will help you familiarize with essential web development concepts such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, setting you up for success in the upcoming modules.

Core Focus:

  • Basic Web Development skills

Projects you will build:

  • Resume Website
  • Link-in-Bio
  • Simple BMI Calculator
  • Advanced BMI Calculator
  • Random Quote Generator
  • Quiz App

The Fundamentals module provides a solid foundation in JavaScript programming, equipping students with essential syntax, data structures, and problem-solving skills through hands-on projects. It also introduces crucial web development tools for efficient collaboration and building interactive web applications.

Core Focus:

  • Web development fundamentals
  • JavaScript programming
  • Programming Fundamentals (Algorithms, Variables, Loops, Conditionals, Functions)

Projects you will build:

  • Menu: Basic HTML structure and JavaScript variables/strings.
  • Calculator: JavaScript functions and conditionals.
  • To-do app: Arrays and object-oriented programming.
  • Login screen: DOM manipulation.
  • Family app: Classes.
  • Translator app: Modules.
  • Bus arrival app: Web APIs.

Tech stacks you will learn:

html5 logocss logojavascript logogit logogithub logobootstrap logo
Explore Full Curriculum

The Front-End module is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces using React. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on projects, students will master the fundamentals of React, including components, state management, routing, and data fetching. The module culminates in the development of a comprehensive Instagram clone, providing students with real-world experience and preparing them for front-end development roles

Core Focus:

  • Mastering React fundamentals and advanced concepts
  • Building complex and interactive user interfaces
  • Managing state effectively using hooks and Redux
  • Developing full-stack applications through a comprehensive project

Projects you will build:

  • Menu: Basic React component structure and props.
  • Like Counter: useState hook for state management.
  • Dark Mode: useContext hook for global state management.
  • Login: React Router for routing.
  • Todo App: Conditional rendering and basic state management.
  • Bus Arrival App: useEffect hook for data fetching.
  • Timer App: useEffect hook for cleanup.
  • Todo & Timer App: useRef hook for DOM manipulation.
  • Ecommerce App: Redux for complex state management.
  • Instagram Clone: Comprehensive application showcasing React, Redux, and front-end development best practices.

Tech stacks you will learn:

react logohtml5 logocss logojavascript logoredux logoreact router logo
Explore Full Curriculum

The Back-End module focuses on building robust and scalable back-end systems. Students will learn to create RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.js, manage databases with SQL and NoSQL, implement authentication and authorization, and deploy applications to production. The module culminates in the development of a full-stack Twitter clone, integrating front-end and back-end components.

Core Focus:

  • Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express.js
  • Database design and management with SQL and NoSQL
  • Implementing authentication and authorization
  • Understanding cloud infrastructure and deployment
  • Developing full-stack applications

Projects you will build :

  • REST API: Basic CRUD operations using Express.js and SQL.
  • Login API: JWT authentication implementation.
  • Twitter Clone Back-end: Full-stack development, including database design, API endpoints, authentication, and real-time features.
  • Counter App: Testing with unit, integration, and end-to-end tests.

Tech stacks you will learn:

nodejs logosql logofirebase logoexpress logomongodb logopostgresql logo
Explore Full Curriculum

This module dives into advanced programming concepts and prepares students for real-world challenges. It covers topics including responsive design, algorithm analysis, data structures, and career readiness.

Core focus:

  • Mastering advanced programming concepts and problem-solving
  • Building a strong foundation for algorithm design and analysis
  • Developing career-ready skills, including portfolio building and interview preparation

Projects you will build:

  • Responsive Redesign Project: Students will redesign an existing website to be responsive across different devices.
  • Algorithm Implementation Project: Students will implement and analyze various sorting and searching algorithms.
  • Data Structures Project: Students will build data structures like stacks, queues, and hash tables for practical applications.

Tech stacks you will learn:

html5 logocss logojavascript logogit logogithub logobootstrap logoreact logoredux logoreact router logo
nodejs logosql logofirebase logoexpress logomongodb logopostgresql logo
Explore Full Curriculum

The AI Integration module is designed to prepare you for the successful integration of AI into your projects. Learn to build and implement your own AI-driven projects with cutting-edge tools.

Core Focus:


  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Integration of OpenAI (ChatGPT) API to add AI related features into your projects
  • Implementation of AI Assistance such as CoPilot, Claude, Cursor and more to write code efficiently
  • Optimize AI accuracy using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)

Projects you will build:


  • Create real time Chat Bot with AI-backed responses using web sockets
  • AI Enhanced personalized recommendation system

Tech stacks you will learn:


  • CoPilot
  • OpenAI
  • Claude
  • Cursor
Explore Full Curriculum

By the end of this module, you will have completed your end-to-end project, fully prepared to present it to your peers and potential employers.

Core Focus:

  • Build your very own project for presentation showcasing your skills

Projects You Will Build:

  • Create Personal Capstone Projects such as Reminder Apps, Ecommerce website, Travel Booking site and more
Explore Full Curriculum

At post-graduation, you will have access to our comprehensive career services designed to support you in your job search.

Services Provided:

  • Resume Writing & Review
  • Job Search Group
  • 1-to-1 Career Consultation
  • Mock Interview Sessions
  • Lifetime access to Sigma School content
Explore Full Curriculum

Alongside your Software Development course, we also provide introductory courses to these following topics to enhance your learning experiences with us.

Bonus Courses:


  • UI/UX Courses
  • AGILE Project Management
  • Cloud Technology (GCP, Azure, AWS)
  • Serverless Architecture (cloud computing execution model)
Explore Full Curriculum
Don't just take our word for it

We've trained hundreds of students now, here's what they have to say

What features are unlocked at each level

Self Paced Bootcamp
(Self Paced)
Perfect for self-paced learning
Online Bootcamp
(Part Time)
Perfect for self-paced learning
Online Bootcamp
(Full Time)
Full-time commitment, fully online
Physical Bootcamp
(Full Time)
Full-time commitment, with on-site and online flexibility


⌛ Early Bird Offer: Use LIMITED75 for 75% off!

Time to completion

Depends on learner’s pace. On average 2 years, based on our data

Depends on learner’s pace. On average 2 years, based on our data

3 months

3 months

All 4 modules, 64 lessons,
100+ challenges, 10+ assessments,
& 25 projects
Deconstructing and
recreating Clone Projects
Twitter, Instagram, and AI-integration projects
Access to all project code
to make as your own and
impress recruiters and employers
Github, Stackblitz, Google Slides
Learning Materials
Lifetime access to materials (including new materials)
PRO membership for 12 months from your batch start date
1-on-1 mentorship & career coaching for 1 year
Join any other batches within the year.
Access to our private Learning Management System
Priority support in Learning Platform
High value industry connections
Prioritised job matching
Post graduation support
1 year access to Codeo (Mobile app to learn coding)
Money Back Guarantee
100% refund if you don't get a job after you graduate.
Live lessons
Join our live lessons to engage directly with our tech instructors.
  • Online students: Join from the comfort of your home.
  • Physical students: Come to the office and learn with your classmates and our teaching assistants! The bootcamp lessons will be streamed live in our office.
Teaching Assistants (Physical & Online)
Get immediate live help from our teaching assistants either in office or online!
Office access
Unlimited access 9:30 AM - 6 PM in IOI Boulevard, Puchong, Malaysia.
Accommodation Assistance
For any students (Malaysian or International) who require support with accommodation, email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Complete Software Development Programme for beginners?
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YES!This course covers everything from theBASICSto the mostADVANCEDtopics. This is a full stack course meaning both Frontend, Backend and Mobile App technologies will be taught. Whether you have ZERO experience or 10+ years of experience, this course is meant for you!

How is this different from the Complete Software Development Programme?
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This is an entirely self-paced programme where you get the same entire curriculum to learn on your own. However, there will be no mentor/instructor support, job preparation, job matching, career consultation provided!

I'm bad at math. Can i be a software developer?
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Math is not a pre-requisite for coding. Logical thinking and problem solving is. We spend a lot of time working on the fundamentals with our students. We believe anyone can code if they remain determined and put in sufficient time and effort.

Do not give up! Stay the course, you can do it too.

I've tried coding but find it difficult. How can you help me?
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It is normal to find coding challenging - this is common among all software developers. If it was easy, it wouldn't be such such a lucrative and in-demand role!

Everyone starts from zero! We deliberately structured our education team at Sigma School to be comprised of self-taught developers, bootcamp-graduates and Computer Science university graduates so we can relate to you every part of the way, from different unique viewpoints and experiences.

Whenever you're stuck, our students have a clear step-by-step procedure on helping them get past their obstacles by debugging, researching, problem solving, peer-based pair programming!

Do I need a Computer Science degree to get a job in tech?
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No you do not! Apple, Tesla, Google and tons of other big tech startups in the West have dropped the requirement for a university degree.

We believe this is the right direction and it will only grow from here. Most of Sigma School's community members do not have CS degrees, but are working professionally as developers. Sigma School has even have community members from unrelated fields like operational safety, law, accounting. Even the founders themselves were from a Finance background.

We exist because universities are unable to produce enough engineers. There's such a high demand for techies now. Companies will hire people who can get the job done and add value to their organisation, with or without a degree.

The world is lacking coders today, and companies don't have a choice. Learn to code, add value, build great products. You absolutely DO NOT need a computer science degree to get a job in tech.

Why choose Sigma School?
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Sigma School's courses are straight to the point. Comprehensively covering topics in frontend, backend, mobile app, and algorithms, and focusing on real world projects resulting in a more standout portfolio.

We have a money back guarantee and we commit to provide a full refund if you do not get a job in tech after you graduate from the programme.

We consistently charge ridiculously below market rate and add way more value than what our student's are paying.

We pride ourselves in our team of instructor's ability to simplify coding concepts and provide an enjoyable, delightful and entertaining learning journey to our students for the typically boring coding concepts.

We are sincere about your growth and will work closely with you to help you achieve your goals. Your success is our success. We take it into our own hands and give it our all to help you! All you need to do is put in the hard work and stay the course. We are committed to invest all our time in you.

We firmly believe that we only win when our students win.

Can I find all of this information online for free?
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In theory you probably could, and we've always been advocates for making tech education as open as possible, and our aim is to get as many people as possible learning how to code (as long as they do it properly!).

However to get all the information in a structured way, and all the toolkit and materials for free, would be really hard and would take months or years of piecing bits of information together. Also, most of the information that's readily available is on the internet (including our own) speaks to a total beginner audience, whereas the material in our course, while suitable for beginners, will give you a deep-dive into the complete software development lifecycle and all the process and materials around it.

The tools and stacks we provide as part of the course are the actual 'live' stuff we're currently using with our real clients, and we’ve never made it readily available up till now, in this course. To our knowledge, there isn’t anyone else putting this stuff out there.

In our experience, many self-taught learners end up giving up after a couple of tries because of the vast ecosystem in tech and how confusing it can be.

I want to train my company/employees - do you offer a bulk discount?
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Yes - we're really passionate about empowering entire teams with tech. If 5 or more people at your company would like to take the course, then get in touch with and we can tell you more about our special team pricing!

Will I get a certificate?
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  • Definitely! We provide a certificate upon your completion and graduation from Sigma School. You will be able to use the certificate and link it to your social media profiles, CV & portfolio website. Throughout your course with Sigma School, you will receive a 4 certifications upon completion of our key milestones:
    • Level 1: Coding Fundamentals
    • Level 2: Frontend Development
    • Level 3: Backend Development
    • Level 4: Full Stack Development
  • And finally upon completion of all 4, you will receive a final certificate for the Complete Software Development Programme!
What can I do after I complete the course?
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This course will equip you with the skills to fundamentally understand how software works and learn how to code. With this, you will be able to build anything you want. Start a tech company, get a remote job, start freelancing, or simply automating the boring stuff in your life. The opportunities are endless!

Here’s What’s Included

Everything you need to upskill and break into tech!

Complete coding bootcamp learning materials (slides) and coding exercise platform. (Worth $6,000)
4 modules, 64 lessons, 100+ challenges, 10+ assessments & 25 projects. (Worth $6,000)
10+ Beginner friendly and high quality explainer videos. (Worth $2,500)
Access to our community with like-minded learners. (Worth $1,500)
Certificate of completion in Full Stack Web Development. (Worth $1,000)
Bonus #1: Ready-to-edit CV & portfolio templates. (Worth $500)
Bonus #2: Job/freelancing CRM templates. (Worth $500)

Total Worth:$20,000

For early birds (limited time only),
The Proven Coding Bootcamp Complete Curriculum is only...

Payment Options
1 Payment
Debit/Credit Card
3 Monthly Payments
Debit/Credit Card
0% installment (Up to 12 months)
*For Malaysian banks only

⌛ Early Bird Offer: Use LIMITED75 for 75% off!