
"I got a Software Developer job before I ended the bootcamp."


"... 3x my income"


"I landed a full-time job above market rates with the help of Sigma School course."

๐ŸŒ #1 Value-for-money Coding Bootcamp

Become a Full Stack Developer in 3 months

๐ŸŒ World-class coding bootcamp education (available online).

๐Ÿ’ฐ Affordable, Malaysian-friendly pricing for aspiring software developers.

๐Ÿค 100% money back guarantee if our students don't secure a job after graduation.

๐Ÿงณ Unlimited job support & career preparation after you graduate.



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Our coding bootcamp instructors come from top companies

instructor companiesinstructor companies

Full Stack Coding Bootcamp Overview

Sigma School's Complete Software Development Programme focuses on fundamental concepts, not languages or tools. As technology evolves, we excel in training students to be versatile and independent - just like real software developers.

Are you driven to build amazing software, automate boring tasks, or simply do more in life? If yes, our coding bootcamp for beginners could be your gateway to a thriving career in software development.

Our full stack developer course is perfect whether you're doing this to work remotely, freelance, launch your own tech startup or simply to find better career prospects; rest assured, weโ€™re here to provide comprehensive support every step of the way.

We make it 100% friendly for beginners, even if you've never written a single line of code before. This course is designed to get you a job in this field, fast.

community photo
Sigma School Community

Learn the tech stack behind top companies like

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The New York Times Logo
The Economist Logo

How Will The Full Stack Coding Bootcamp Future-Proof Your Career?

The beauty of being able to code is that you will have all the tangible soft and hard skills in your toolkit, ready for any future career move or progression. Let me explain...

1. First Class Ticket to the Digital World:
digital world

As we move deeper into the digital era, being digitally savvy is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Our full stack development course equips you to build, navigate, and leverage digital tools, regardless of your profession - from a project manager streamlining workflows, an artist creating digital portfolios, to a fitness trainer developing a workout app.

2. Strengthen Your Problem-Solving Skills:
problem solving

Software development is like a puzzle, requiring logic and creativity to solve. It's like a gym workout for your brain, making your problem-solving muscle stronger. With this skill, you'll be the go-to solution finder in any team, boosting your value in any role you take on.

3. Speak the Language of the Future:

You know that feeling when tech jargon sounds like alien talk? Never feel that way again! With a solid foundation in tech, you won't just keep pace; you'll be surfing ahead of the wave. A background in software development lets you communicate and collaborate more effectively in any career

4. Automate to Accelerate:

By learning how to automate tasks, you're getting a time-saving superpower. Whether you're a salesperson streamlining follow-ups, a scientist analyzing data, or an artist organizing digital assets, automation can free up time for what truly matters, propelling your career forward.

Who is the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp for?

You want to start a career in tech from scratch.
software developer
You want to build your own tech company/startup.
tech entrepreneur
You want to upgrade your resume by getting new technical skills.
project manager
You want to automate the boring stuff in your life.
personal dev explorers
You want to be a digital nomad/remote worker.
You feel like you need a life change but not sure where to start.
remote worker

If itโ€™s a resounding yes...Then the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp is for YOU!๐ŸŽ‰

Our coding bootcamp and practical training teaches you step-by-step how to achieve your goals in 3 months or less with all of the resources you would need to become a software developer!

All you need to do is show up, be coachable and let us guide you and work through a unique path to achieve your goals in the shortest and easiest path possible!

Enroll Now

Our Brand Promise


If you don't get a tech job after graduation, you get 100% of your money back.


If you don't get a tech job after graduation, you get unlimited support for 1 year until you do.


Get help within 5 minutes. If we don't, a meal on us!


If you find better coding slides than us, we will give you RM100.


If you find any issues in our course and we don't resolve it within 1 day, we will give you RM100.

Your future with Sigma School

Jobs you will be able to land with our coding bootcamp

Full Stack Developer

Front End Developer

Back End Developer

Software Engineer

QA Engineer

Technical Project Manager

Web Developer

Mobile Application Developer

CMS Developer

UI/UX Developer

Freelance Developer

Product Manager

Start-Up Founder

IT Consultant

Technical skills you can use to make your resume impressive










Google Cloud





Your demand in the labor market

Every business, from fledgling startups to colossal corporations, has an online presence. Or at least they should. Each year, the demand for web developers is surging, as businesses recognize the critical need for robust, user-friendly websites and applications. This demand is only set to intensify, establishing web development as a skill of enduring relevance in the digital age.

Your salary and career prospects in software development

These average monthly salaries in Malaysia are taken from Salary Explorer. But you can do better, even without a CS degree. Salaries go even higher when our students go on to landing jobs in their countries with stronger currencies!

Junior Software Developer within 2 years

Mid-level Software Developer in 2-5 years

Senior Software Developer in 5+ years

Follow the 4-step employment plan

1. Improve your technical skills

technical skills

Our team of instructors will work with you to go hands-on to master cutting-edge technologies and programming languages to solve complex problems and build impressive projects.

2. Improve your soft skills

soft skills

Learn to communicate complex ideas effectively, making your presentations stand out. Our career instructors and career coaches will work with you on showcasing your projects collaborating in remote teams.

3. Boost your personal branding

personal branding

Work on real world projects to fill up your Linkedin and GitHub profiles. Work with your personal career consultant to write effective cover letters and attend mock interviews with professional recruiters.

4. Get your first tech job!

tech job

We will not stop working with you until you land your first tech job. As long as you don't give up, we wont give up on you too! Leverage your newly acquired skills and personal brand to land your dream tech job.

With a whole team to support you on the way

Education Team - Instructors

These are the key people who deliver the coding class curriculum. They have strong expertise in the subject matter and are passionate about teaching and mentoring.


Education Team - Teaching Assistants

They support instructors by helping students troubleshoot coding issues, understand concepts, and complete projects.

teaching assistants

Careers Team - Placement Officers

They maintain relationships with hiring partners and assist in placing graduates in appropriate roles post-bootcamp.

placement officers

Careers Team - Career Coaches

They will guide students in their job search, helping them improve their resume, prepare for interviews, and navigate job offers.

career coaches

Operations Team - Program Manager

They oversee the operations of the coding bootcamp, from scheduling classes to ensuring the smooth delivery of the program.

program managers

Operations Team - Student Success Manager

They focus on student retention and success, providing academic support and helping students overcome any hurdles they might encounter during the program.

student success managers
desktop schedulemobile schedule

After joining the bootcamp, change career, 3x my income!



Before: Engineer
After: Software Developer

"Sigma School has helped me to transition from a career, with no degree, to software development that 3x my income. I wish I had this back in uni!"

Same company, different job, but more pay potential

ee kin

Ee Kin

Before: Business Analyst
After: Software Developer

"I want to be a software developer, without quitting my job. And Sigma School helped me in that!"

After graduating, I got a job with Sigma School!

chung mang jie

Chung Mang Jie

Before: University Student
After: Software Developer

"I was able to juggle school with the coding bootcamp as they are flexible in their timings. And now, I landed a full-time job above market rates with the help of Sigma School course and real world lessons"
Curriculum & Projects

Coding Bootcamp Curriculum

  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to Programming

    This initial module introduces the course, outlining its structure, objectives, and expectations. It's designed to set the stage for a structured learning path in software development, ensuring students grasp the foundational knowledge crucial for all aspects of the field.

  • Lesson 2 - Variables, Strings

    This lesson covers the basics of coding, including the declaration and manipulation of variables, and handling strings. It's essential for understanding data management, a fundamental skill in software development. The accompanying project, the Menu Project, allows students to practically apply these concepts by creating a menu in code, demonstrating how theoretical knowledge is used in real-world programming.

  • Lesson 3 - Functions

    Students are introduced to the concept, utility, and creation of functions in programming. Functions are key to writing organised, reusable, and efficient code, a vital aspect of software development. The Calculator project associated with this lesson provides a practical application, where students develop a functional calculator, reinforcing their understanding of functions in action.

  • Lesson 4 - Conditionals

    This lesson teaches students how to use conditional statements such as IF, ELSE, and ELSE IF to control the flow of a program. Understanding conditionals is fundamental for decision-making in software development. In the Flag Quiz App project, students apply this knowledge to create a quiz application, showcasing the use of conditional logic in developing interactive applications.

  • Lesson 5 - Arrays

    The arrays module introduces students to this key data structure used for storing multiple values. Arrays are critical for effective data organisation and manipulation in software development. Through the Todo App project, students get to apply their knowledge by building a simple To Do list application, illustrating the practical utility of arrays.

  • Lesson 6 - Objects

    In this lesson, students learn about creating, managing, and manipulating objects, which are central to representing and working with data in software development. The Students List project aims at implementing these object-oriented concepts in a list-managing application, giving a hands-on experience in object manipulation.

  • Lesson 7 - DOM (Document Object Model)

    This module explains the Document Object Model (DOM), essential for understanding how browsers process HTML and JavaScript. It's a fundamental concept for interacting with and manipulating web pages in software development. The project, a Login Screen, involves developing a login interface, applying DOM manipulation techniques and highlighting their importance in web development.

  • Lesson 8 - Classes

    Students are introduced to classes, a core concept in object-oriented programming. Understanding classes is vital for bringing structure and reusability to software development. In the Family App project, students apply the concepts of classes to create an app for managing family member details, demonstrating the practical use of class structures.

  • Lesson 9 - Modules

    This lesson teaches how to use modules to structure large programs, making them more manageable and organised. This skill enhances code organisation and maintainability, which is crucial in complex software development projects. The Translator App project allows students to build a translation application, demonstrating modular programming in a real-world scenario.

  • Lesson 10 - EcmaScript

    Students learn about EcmaScript, a scripting-language standard that includes JavaScript, enabling them to write more efficient code. Keeping up with current standards like EcmaScript is important for improving code quality in software development. The Authentication module focuses on applying these scripting techniques to user authentication, a critical element in many applications.

  • Lesson 11 - Web APIs

    This lesson introduces Web APIs, teaching students how to interact with external services and retrieve data, a key skill in modern web development. The practical application of this knowledge is demonstrated in the Bus Arrival App project, where students use Web APIs to create a functional and practical bus arrival prediction app, showcasing real-world API integration.

  • Lesson 12 - Git & Github

    The module on Git and Github explains these crucial tools for version control and code collaboration. Mastery of Git and Github is essential for team collaboration and effective code management in professional software development environments.

  • Lesson 13 - Bootstrap

    Students are introduced to Bootstrap, a popular framework for designing responsive and mobile-first websites. Understanding Bootstrap is key for developing user-friendly and adaptable interfaces in modern web development.

  • Lesson 14 - Coding Challenge

    This module is designed to test and enhance students' coding skills and problem-solving abilities. It encourages critical thinking and practical application of their accumulated knowledge in various software development tasks.

  • Lesson 15 - Basics Assessment

    The course concludes with a recap module, providing an assessment to evaluate students' understanding and assimilation of the basic content. This ensures they have a strong foundational knowledge base, crucial for advancing in the field of software development.

  • Lesson 1 - Dev Setup + Intro to React w/ Resume Project

    In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a development environment and use React to build a dynamic menu component. By the end, you will have the skills needed to build user interfaces with React.

  • Lesson 2 - Props with Menu Project

    In this lesson, you will delve deeper into React by introducing props, a mechanism for passing data from parent to child components. Students will build a Menu project, learning how to use props to create reusable and maintainable code.

  • Lesson 3 - useState with Like Counter

    The lesson introduces the useState hook, a built-in React hook for managing state. Students will learn how to use useState by building a Like Counter application, gaining hands-on experience with state management in React.

  • Lesson 4 - useContext with Dark Mode

    This lesson introduces the useContext hook, a built-in React hook for managing global state. Students will learn how to use useContext by building a Dark Mode application, mastering the art of managing global state in React.

  • Lesson 5 - React Router with Login

    In this lesson, students are introduced to React Router, a popular routing library for React. It covers the basic concepts, benefits of React Router, and guides students through building a Login application, forming a foundation for advanced front-end development.

  • Lesson 6 - Conditional Rendering with Todo App

    This lesson covers conditional rendering, a fundamental concept in React for displaying different UI elements based on certain conditions. Students will build a Todo App, learning how to use conditional rendering to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

  • Lesson 7 - useEffect with APIs with Bus Arrival App

    The lesson introduces the useEffect hook, a built-in React hook for managing side effects. Students will learn how to use useEffect by building a Bus Arrival App, mastering the art of fetching data from APIs in React.

  • Lesson 8 - useEffect with Clean Up with Timer App

    This lesson covers the use of useEffect for managing clean up, a crucial concept for handling side effects in React. Students will build a Timer App, learning how to use useEffect for managing clean up and handling side effects in React.

  • Lesson 9 - useRef with Todo & Timer App

    The lesson introduces the useRef hook, a built-in React hook for referencing DOM elements. Students will learn how to use useRef by building a Todo & Timer App, mastering the art of referencing DOM elements in React.

  • Lesson 10 - Redux with Ecommerce App

    This lesson introduces Redux, a popular state management library for React. Students will learn how to use Redux by building an Ecommerce App, mastering the art of managing complex state in React.

  • Lesson 11 - Instagram Clone Part 1 - Redux

    In this practical project, students start building an Instagram clone, applying the lessons learned in React and Redux. This project helps in consolidating their understanding of front-end development.

  • Lesson 12 - Instagram Clone Part 2 - Upload Image Feature

    The continuation of the Instagram clone project, where students implement more complex features and functionalities, enhancing their skills in real-world application development.

  • Lesson 13 - Front-End Assessment

    An assessment module designed to evaluate the students' ability to utilize their skills in front-end technologies including React, Redux, and others, ensuring they are ready for professional front-end development tasks.

  • Lesson 14 - Front-End Presentation

    In this module, students present their front-end projects. It allows them to practice their presentation and explanation skills, and highlights their achievements and learning progress during the course.

  • Lesson 1 - Intro to APIs

    This lesson covers the basics of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), including what they are, why they are important, and how to use them. Students will learn how to make HTTP requests, parse JSON data, and use APIs to retrieve and display data in their applications.

  • Lesson 2 - Express JS + SQL Part 1

    In this lesson, students will learn how to build a REST API using Express JS and SQL. They will learn how to set up a database, define models, and create endpoints for CRUD (Create, Read) operations.

  • Lesson 3 - Express JS + SQL Part 2

    This lesson continues from the previous one, where students will continue building the REST API using Express JS and SQL. They will learn how to create endpoints (Update, Delete) operations.

  • Lesson 4 - JSON Web Token with Login API

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication. They will learn how to create and verify tokens, handle token expiration, and use JWT for secure communication between the client and the server.

  • Lesson 5 - Twitter Clone Part 1 - Entity Relationship Diagram

    This lesson covers the design of the Twitter Clone, including the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) and the database schema. Students will learn how to set up a database, define models, and create endpoints for CRUD operations.

  • Lesson 6 - Twitter Clone Part 2 - JWT

    In this lesson, students will learn how to add authentication to the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to use JWT for secure communication between the client and the server, handle user registration and login, and manage user sessions.

  • Lesson 7 - Twitter Clone Part 3 - Likes Feature

    This lesson covers the implementation of the Likes feature in the Twitter Clone. Students will learn how to use Redux for state management, handle user interactions, and update the UI in real-time.

  • Lesson 8 - Twitter Clone Part 4 - Redux

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use Redux for state management in the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to manage global state, handle actions and reducers, and use middleware for asynchronous operations.

  • Lesson 9 - Firebase Auth with Twitter Clone

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use Firebase Authentication for user management in the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to handle user registration and login, manage user sessions, and secure their application.

  • Lesson 10 - Firestore + No SQL with Twitter Clone

    This lesson covers the implementation of Firestore for No SQL data storage in the Twitter Clone. Students will learn how to define collections, documents, and fields, handle data validation, and use queries for retrieving data.

  • Lesson 11 - Firebase Storage with Twitter Clone

    In this lesson, students will learn how to use Firebase Storage for file storage in the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to upload, download, and manage files, handle file metadata, and use security rules for access control.

  • Lesson 12 - Testing with Counter App

    This lesson covers the basics of testing in React. Students will learn how to write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests for a Counter App. They will learn how to use tools for testing.

  • Lesson 13 - CI/CD with Twitter Clone

    In this lesson, students will learn how to set up a CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) pipeline for the Twitter Clone. They will learn how to use tools for automated testing, building, and deployment.

  • Lesson 14 - Web Hosting with Twitter Clone

    Focused on making a web application accessible online, this lesson teaches students about the various web hosting services and the steps involved in deploying the Twitter clone to a hosting provider.

  • Lesson 15 - Full Stack Assessment

    Serving as the capstone assessment, this module evaluates the students' ability to integrate front-end, back-end, and database management skills in a full-stack application, culminating their learning experience.

  • Lesson 1 - Brief of Final Capstone Project

    This lesson introduces the final Capstone project, providing an overview of the project's objective, scope, and the expected output from students. It sets the stage for a comprehensive application of the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course.

  • Lesson 2 - Responsive Design

    This lesson focuses on designing websites and applications that function well across various devices, from mobiles to desktops. It ensures students can create a seamless user experience, a critical aspect of modern web development.

  • Lesson 3 - Understanding Big O Notation

    Students dive into Big O notation to understand the efficiency of code. This includes learning about constant time operations (O(1)), linear time tasks (O(n)), and efficient operations like binary searches (O(log n)), which are fundamental concepts in algorithm efficiency.

  • Lesson 4 - Time and Space Complexity

    This module delves into measuring code efficiency not just by its speed (time complexity) but also by how much computer memory it uses (space complexity), a key consideration in optimising software performance.

  • Lesson 5 - Simple Recursion

    Students unpack the concept of recursion, where functions call themselves to simplify complex problems. This is an important technique in software development for breaking down tasks into more manageable parts.

  • Lesson 6 - Bubble Sort

    The lesson explores bubble sort, a technique for arranging items in order by swapping neighbouring items if they're out of sequence, providing a foundational understanding of sorting algorithms.

  • Lesson 7 - Binary Search

    Students learn the binary search method, an efficient way to find items in sorted lists by continually halving the search area, a crucial technique for optimizing search functionality.

  • Lesson 8 - Hash Table (Empty Object)

    This module covers hash tables, explaining how they allow for rapid storage and retrieval of data using unique keys, an essential concept in efficient data handling.

  • Lesson 9 - Stacks

    Students learn about stacks, a collection type where items are added and removed from the top, analogous to stacking plates. Understanding stacks is important for certain data processing tasks in software development.

  • Lesson 10 - Queue

    This lesson dives into queues, a collection type where items are added at the back and taken from the front, mimicking a real-life queue. It's a fundamental concept for managing data sequences in programming.

  • Lesson 11 - Build Portfolio

    Students create a portfolio to showcase their projects and skills to potential employers, a critical step in transitioning into the professional world.

  • Lesson 12 - How to Present & Mock Interview

    This module prepares students for the job market by practising technical presentation skills and undergoing simulated job interviews, equipping them with the confidence and skills needed for career success.

  • Lesson 13 - Algorithm Test & Presentation

    In the final lesson, students tackle algorithm challenges and present their final Capstone project, demonstrating their comprehensive understanding and practical application of the skills learned throughout the course.

In addition to the core curriculum, we offer an optional self-paced bonus module. This self-paced module is designed for students who wish to further their learning beyond the required lessons. This module is not mandatory and does not affect the graduation requirements. It serves as an additional resource for students to explore and apply UI design concepts at their own pace.

  • Lesson 1 - The Basics of UI Design

    This lesson covers the fundamental principles and elements of User Interface Design. Students will learn about the importance of user-centered design, the principles of visual design, and the role of UI within the broader context of User Experience (UX).

  • Lesson 2 - Grid, Typography, Color, Gradient, and Shape

    An exploration of the core components that make up a user interface. This lesson delves into grid systems for layout, typographic principles for readability and brand expression, color theory for visual impact, gradients for depth and dimension, and the use of shape in guiding user interaction.

  • Lesson 3 - Auto-Layout

    This lesson focuses on the dynamic aspect of UI design. Students will learn how to create flexible and responsive design layouts that adjust seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations, enhancing the user experience across various devices.

  • Lesson 4 - Button, Text Field, Icon, Photo, and Illustration

    This lesson is a practical dive into the creation and implementation of interactive elements. Students will gain hands-on experience designing buttons, text fields, icons, and integrating photos and illustrations that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Lesson 5 - Card, White Space, Tone of Voice, and Navigation

    An examination of how to effectively use cards in layout design, the strategic use of white space for clarity, the importance of tone of voice in UI copy, and best practices for designing intuitive navigation systems.

  • Lesson 6 - Prototype

    The final lesson focuses on bringing the UI design to life. Students will learn the process of prototyping, which involves creating a preliminary model of the final product to test and refine the design before development.


Learn By Building Real-World Tech Solutions


Meet our instructors

Deric Yee
5 Years of Software Development Experience
Taught to over 100 students
Bachelors in Lancaster University
lancaster university logo

Find out more

Head of Frontend
Payboy SG, University of London
3 years of software development
payboy logouniversity of london logo

Find out more

Head of Backend
7 years of software development
Involved in AirAsia super app development, with over 40 million downloads
airasia logomonash university logo

Find out more

Full Stack Instructor
Epic Startups
7+ years of software engineering experience
epic startups logocarmine logo

Find out more

chung mang jie
Chung Mang Jie
Software Developer & Instructor
Former Sigma School Student
1 year in coding experience

Find out more

jun jie
Jun Jie
Software Developer @ Facebook/Meta
meta logo

Find out more

nurfarhana nasrudin
Nurfarhana Nasrudin
Tech-based Social Enterprise Founder @ Farbeat Technologies
farbeat technologies logo

Find out more

mohammed haziq bin mohd noor
Mohammed Haziq bin Mohd Noor
Data Analyst @ GX Bank
gxbank logo

Find out more

Haris Samingan
Head of Bootcamp
ex-Google Developer Expert
5 Years of Software Development Experience
Taught in Top Singapore Universities
google logonanyang technological university logosingapore management university logo

Find out more

Head of Cloud
Microsoft, Tapway, University of California (Davis)
3 years of software development
microsoft logotapway logouniversity of california davis logo

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Frontend Instructor
2 years of software development
At Age 15, built a music player app that has over 10,000 downloads
finexus logocarmine logo

Find out more

Software Developer in IFCA MSC BHD
Former Sigma School Student

Find out more

tan jian zhen
Tan Jian Zhen
Full Stack Engineer @ Refract
refract logo

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Degree in Computer Science @ Universiti Sains Malaysia
usm logo

Find out more

azzam makki
Azzam Makki
Software Developer @ SmartRetail
smartretail logo

Find out more

Past Student Projects

Success Stories from Coding Bootcamp Graduates

Don't just take our word for it

We've trained hundreds of students now, here's what they have to say

The ROI of taking the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp

Statistical data from surveying our alumni
software developer

9/10: The average rating students
give for EVERY lesson.

tech entrepreneur

5/5 star ratings by our
students on Google Review.

project manager

86% say they'd recommend
our Bootcamp to others.

personal dev explorers

99% of students say the content was
clear and easy to understand and follow.

personal dev explorers

9/10 of our students enjoy
the real-world projects we cover.

personal dev explorers

88% of our students learn new tech
stacks at least 2x faster after
completing Level 1 of the course

CS Degree

sigma school logo

Sigma School

Other Bootcamps

Full-time Coding Hours800+450+450+
Total CostUSD 80-150kUSD 3.2kUSD 15-20k
Cost if UnemployedUSD 80-150kUSD 0USD 15-20k
Time Commitment4 years3 months3 months
Practical Skills
Group Work
Career Coaching
Job Search Trainers
Up-to-date Curriculum
CS Fundamentals
Modern Languages

Coding Bootcamp Tuition Plans & Options

Here Is Everything We Have Included Inside The Full Stack Coding Bootcamp

Online Bootcamp
(Part Time)
Perfect for part-time learners
Online Bootcamp
(Full Time)
Full-time commitments expected


Choose a tuition option


Time to completion

8 months

3 months

All 4 modules, 64 lessons,
100+ challenges, 10+ assessments,
& 25 projects
Deconstructing and
recreating Clone Projects
Twitter, Instagram, and AI-integration projects
Access to all project code
to make as your own and
impress recruiters and employers
Github, Replit, Google Slides
PRO membership for 12 months from your batch start date
1-on-1 mentorship & career coaching for 1 year
Access to our private Learning Management System
Priority support in Discord
High value industry connections
Prioritised job matching
Post graduation support
50% off to's (Duolingo for coding app) Lifetime Membership
Money Back Guarantee
100% refund if you don't get a job after you graduate
discord community

BONUS 1: PRO membership access in Discord community

Join a community of like-minded people facing the same challenges as you and gain insights from past alumni and senior students. Share in their advice and achievements when you access our exclusive Sigma School Community!

online bootcamp certificate

BONUS 2: Sigma School Official Full Stack Coding Bootcamp Certification

Impress your prospective employers, colleagues and friends with your official Sigma School Certification in Coding Fundamentals, Frontend Development, Backend Development, Full Stack, & Computer Science and Full Stack Coding Bootcamp Certification once you complete the course - you'll be amazed at how sought after you are!


BONUS 3: Developer Ultimate Starter Bundle

A toolkit with templates, checklists, CRMs and content builders with personalised tools that work with Notion & Google Sheets to give you everything you need to land a tech job, even as a complete beginner. Backed by years of experience and 100s working in tech jobs!

Admission Process

The admission process is straightforward, beginning with a simple assessment to gauge candidates' readiness for intensive learning.

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

At Sigma School, we believe we only win if our students win. We're so confident that our programs provide a direct path to a tech job that we offer this 100% money back guarantee to our students.

To qualify, students must meet and maintain eligibility as outlined below:

  • You graduated from the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp, receiving a Certificate of Completion.
  • You are of legal working age and legally authorised to work in the country that you wish to seek employment in.
  • You actively seek employment, perform your career commitments set out by our careers team and attend interviews scheduled.

As long as you complete the programme and graduate, but still fail to land a job in tech, we will refund you 100% of your tuition fees paid to us.

Show me another coding school willing to stand behind their product like this!

Leverage on our Full Stack Coding Bootcamp to break into tech, land tech jobs, start freelancing or build your own tech startup.

All 100% risk-free.

Sounds like a no-brainer? Join now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp for beginners?
chevron down icon

YES! This course covers everything from the BASICS to the most ADVANCED topics. This is a full stack course meaning both Frontend, Backend and Mobile App technologies will be taught. Whether you have ZERO experience or 10+ years of experience, this course is meant for you!

Can I be a software developer if Iโ€™m bad at math?
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Math is not a pre-requisite for coding. Logical thinking and problem solving is. We spend a lot of time working on the fundamentals with our students. We believe anyone can code if they remain determined and put in sufficient time and effort.

Do not give up! Stay the course, you can do it too.

I've tried coding but find it difficult. What support does your coding bootcamp offer to help beginners succeed?
chevron down icon

It is normal to find coding challenging - this is common among all software developers. If it was easy, it wouldn't be such a lucrative and in-demand role!

Everyone starts from zero! We deliberately structured our education team at Sigma School to comprise of self-taught developers, bootcamp-graduates and Computer Science university graduates so we can relate to you every part of the way, from different unique viewpoints and experiences.

Whenever you're stuck, our students have a clear step-by-step procedure on helping them get past their obstacles by debugging, researching, problem solving, peer-based pair programming and finally scheduling 1-to-1 mentorship calls with our mentors and instructors any time at all!

Why Coding Bootcamp is Better than Self-studying?
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Online learning courses only have a 5% completion rate, meaning the vast majority of self-learners aren't able to learn coding by self-studying. You can do much better by signing up for our program, and here's why:

1. Beginner-oriented

Which programming languages should you learn? In what order? For what projects? Using what course? We've designed a single path for you with our beginner-oriented curriculum, so you can concentrate on actually learning instead of jumping from online course to online course.

2. Peers & Instructors

When you're just starting to learn coding, you'll have a lot of questions. You'll learn faster if you have a coding expert there to give you instant answers. And you'll be able to stay more motivated if you're in a supportive environment surrounded by other aspiring developers.

3. Hands-on Learning

You don't really know how to code until you can develop applications from scratch. Our students are required to build 3 web applications during their training. By the time they graduate, they're ready to show off their portfolio to employers and even get hired as Web Developers.

Do I need a Computer Science degree to get a job in tech?
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No you do not! Apple, Tesla, Google and tons of other big tech startups in the West have dropped the requirement for a university degree.

We believe this is the right direction and it will only grow from here. Most of Sigma School's community members do not have CS degrees, but are working professionally as developers. Sigma School has even had community members from unrelated fields like operational safety, law, accounting. Even the founders themselves were from a Finance background.

We exist because universities are unable to produce enough software engineers. There's such a high demand for techies now. Companies will hire people who can get the job done and add value to their organisation, with or without a degree.

The world is lacking coders today, and companies don't have a choice. Learn to code, add value, build great products. You absolutely DO NOT need a computer science degree to get a job in tech.

Why choose Sigma School for your coding bootcamp?
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Sigma School's courses are straight to the point. Comprehensively covering topics in frontend, backend, mobile app, and algorithms, and focusing on real world projects resulting in a more standout portfolio.

We have a money back guarantee, committing to a full refund if you do not secure a job in tech post-graduation.

We consistently charge ridiculously below market rate and add way more value than what our students are paying.

We pride ourselves in our team of instructors and their ability to simplify coding concepts while providing an enjoyable, delightful and entertaining learning journey to our students for typically boring coding concepts.

We are sincere about your growth and will work closely with you to help you achieve your goals. Your success is our success. We take it into our own hands and give it our all to help you! All you need to do is put in the hard work and stay the course. We are committed to invest all our time in you.

We firmly believe that we only win when our students win.

Can I join Sigma School Coding Bootcamp while working a full-time job or doing a degree?
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Definitely. Sigma School is part-time-friendly and specifically designed as a flexible course for people of all levels and commitments.

We will assign you according to your needs and match you to co-learning groups that suit your background, interests, commitment levels and goals.

However, please be reminded that Sigma School's Full Stack Coding Bootcamp is very intense and it requires a significant amount of time and practice for you to get good at it. As a student, you will be coding for at least 1200 hours+ while collaborating with your coding partner before you graduate.

So if you have a job or you're finishing up your degree, chances are that you will progress at a slower pace compared to your peers who are doing it full-time.

However, if you go for the Full Time Coding Bootcamp option, you will need to commit full time 8 hours a day to Sigma School.

What do I actually get when I enroll in Sigma School Coding Bootcamp?
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  • Full Stack Coding Bootcamp learning materials, challenges, assignments and projects in Coding Fundamentals, Frontend Development, Backend Development.
  • 3 impressive and unique projects to be built throughout the course.
  • 10+ clone projects and code-along projects like Instagram, Twitter, etc..
  • Unlimited personal mentorship & support from instructors for 1 year.
  • High value industry connections, professional network & community
  • Money Back Guarantee - 100% tuition refunds if you don't get a tech job after you graduate.
  • Online, Part-Time Pathway - 1x/week online live workshops with our Instructors
  • Online, Full Time Pathway - Daily classes with our Lead Instructor
Can't I find all of this information online for free?
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In theory you probably could, and we've always been advocates for making tech education as open as possible, and our aim is to get as many people as possible learning how to code (as long as they do it properly!).

However, gathering all the necessary materials and toolkits in a structured way for free would be very challenging and time-consuming, potentially taking months or years to piece together.

Furthermore, much of the freely available information online is targeted at complete beginners (including our own!). In contrast, our course material offers a deep dive into the complete software development lifecycle and all the process & materials around it, while still being suitable for beginners.

The tools and tech stacks included in our course are the same 'live' resources we use with our actual clients, and this is the first time we're making them available in this format. To the best of our knowledge, no other program offers this level of access to real-world tools and projects.

In our experience, many self-taught learners end up giving up after a couple of tries because of the vast ecosystem in tech and how confusing it can be.

Think of it this way. The best-case scenario is you complete our programme in 3 months and secure a tech job. In the worst-case scenario, you canโ€™t get a job post-graduation, and we happily refund you 100% of your tuition fees. This ensures you get to speed up your learning process without the risk of major setbacks or disappointments that could discourage your future career in tech. It's a guaranteed win!

Does Sigma School offer bulk discounts for corporate coding bootcamp training?
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Yes, we can absolutely offer bulk discounts for company/employee training. We're really passionate about empowering entire teams with tech. If 5 or more people at your company would like to take the course, then get in touch with and we can tell you more about our special team pricing!

Will I get a certificate?
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  • Definitely! We provide a certificate upon your completion and graduation from Sigma School. You will be able to use the certificate and link it to your social media profiles, CV & portfolio website. Throughout your course with Sigma School, you will receive a 4 certifications upon completion of our key milestones:
    • Level 1: Coding Fundamentals
    • Level 2: Frontend Development
    • Level 3: Backend Development
    • Level 4: Full Stack Development
  • And finally upon completion of all 4, you will receive a final certificate for the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp!
What can I do after I complete the course?
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This course will equip you with the skills to fundamentally understand how software works and learn how to code. With this, you will be able to build anything you want. Start a tech company, get a remote job, start freelancing, or simply automating the boring stuff in your life. The opportunities are endless!

I want to enroll now but I haven't decided on which batch to join, or I am unable join the upcoming batch. What should I do?
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No problem! You can enroll now to secure a spot and decide on the batch later. Our admissions team will assist you immediately to sort out your onboarding and batch details. Most of our students enroll in advance to secure their spot and take advantage of any ongoing offer.

Learn to code.
Be a better version of yourself.

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