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How to remember what you learn in coding

Sigma School
7th February 2024

Learning to code can be overwhelming especially for beginners. While trying to remember everything you learn and retain that information can become frustrating and discouraging. But we’re here to tell you that you don’t actually have to remember everything you learn! 


Good programmers do not waste their time memorizing everything. You absolutely do not have to memorize code in order to become a Software Developer. 


Here are some tips on how you can learn code and retain information better:


1.     Focus on understanding, not memorizing

Learning to code is similar to learning a new language. To be able to instruct the computer to do what you want it to do, you first need to understand how the language works by understanding the important concepts and ideas. This is why memorization will not do you any good if you do not understand how or why to use them. The basic concepts and algorithms of all programming languages will help you make connections as you learn – and you can apply them to other programming languages in the future.


2.     Compile your resources

Coding requires continuous learning and refreshing of concepts. It is impossible for you to remember everything – even the best Software Developers out there will need to refresh as they code. Therefore, you should compile resources and store them in a PDF file or any preferred way for easy access that includes links to articles and repositories you found useful. Having a resource folder will allow you to learn better whenever you get stuck in coding.


3.     Take notes of what you learn

It is evident that note-taking has been proven to help with retaining information because it helps form new pathways in the brain and encode information that stores it better in your long-term memory. When you take notes of what you learn, you are forced to focus on the subject matter which helps to eliminate distractions as you are more engaged in the learning taking place. Taking notes also allows you to understand and summarize concepts in your own way which will allow you to remember the information better. 


4.     Apply what you learn

If you don’t apply what you learn, you will not be able to put that knowledge into use. Applying what you learn is the key to consolidate that learning – which eventually leads to muscle memory, making it easier to remember information. We learn better when we put it into practice and eventually you will be able to see how each concept connects and comes together. 


5.     View other people’s code

Viewing other developers code and projects is another way you can learn to code better. This allows you to see how other people approach similar projects that you are working on and discover new ways of solving problems you encounter. You can also learn by viewing bad codes and learn from them to not do the same in your code. Viewing other people’s code can give you an overview of what good code and bad code looks like. From this, you can apply what you learn and see what can be improved and what could have been done differently. 


6.     Keep practicing

There is no better way to learn something – especially coding by practicing. Writing code and working on projects will allow you to solidify your learnings and improve. By practicing you will retain information better whilst learn how to apply concepts and ideas. Practice also helps with muscle memory and long-term memory. 


7.     Make mistakes

You learn from your mistakes because you probably never want to do it again. Mistakes are a great way to learn and unlearn certain things. By making a mistake, you then understand that there is a right way to do something. All developers have made mistakes, but a good developer knows not to make the same mistake twice. As humans, we learn best from experience, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes!


8.     Learn with a friend

Developers often pair up with another developer when coding. This is known as pair programming which helps developers to create high-quality code. It is a collaborative way of working as it allows faster development, knowledge sharing and fewer errors. We recommend learning with a friend similarly to pair programming as it allows you to learn from another developer. You will be able to see how the other person codes, teach them and learn from them. Learning together is a great way to actively engage in learning. 


At Sigma School, we work on a peer-to-peer learning model as students get to learn better with each other in a collaborative setting. This helps with improving comprehension as students can teach and learn from each other. It is also a fun way to learn with friends who are beginners just like you. You can read more about our students' reviews.


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