Coding Bootcamp
Career Transition - Online/Offline
High commitment 3 month full time or 12 months part time programme designed to get you a tech job in the shortest amount of time. Job or 100% money back.
Our Students
Student Reviews
Hear what our students have to say about their experience with Sigma School.
Student Stories
Student stories of their journey with Sigma School.
Success Stories
Stories of our students who have successfully transitioned into tech roles.
For Companies
Sigma Studios
We pride ourselves for our ability to leverage on modern tech stacks to cater to your needs and take your business to the next level.
Enterprise Training
We train & upskill your team according to your needs.
Hire Our Graduates
Hire our best & competent graduates.
Talent Angels
Sponsor the future of tech talents!
About Us
About us & careers
Hear our story, our why & be part of our journey.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Check out our sharings, write-ups and articles on tech, coding and more.
Apply Now
Coding Bootcamp
Career Transition - Online/Offline
High commitment 3 month full time or 12 months part time programme designed to get you a tech job in the shortest amount of time. Job or 100% money back.
Our Students
Student Reviews
Hear what our students have to say about their experience with Sigma School.
Student Stories
Student stories of their journey with Sigma School.
Success Stories
Stories of our students who have successfully transitioned into tech roles.
For Companies
Sigma Studios
We pride ourselves for our ability to leverage on modern tech stacks to cater to your needs and take your business to the next level.
Enterprise Training
We train & upskill your team according to your needs.
Hire Our Graduates
Hire our best & competent graduates.
Talent Angels
Sponsor the future of tech talents!
About Us
About us & careers
Hear our story, our why & be part of our journey.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Check out our sharings, write-ups and articles on tech, coding and more.
Apply Now
What Our Students Think
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