Video Demos

Understand how Sigma School works better in a few short video snippets. We’ll show you everything you need to know to get started here with us.

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Our Learning Model

Find out how we accommodate for both part-time and full-time students and the perks of learning with our community.

What is Each Course Made Of?

Get an idea of how we design our course to ensure you master each chapter as you progress through the course.

What is Our Course Structure Like?

Get a high-level overview of the different level courses you’ll be covering with us to become a full-stack developer and a mobile app developer.

Time Commitment

You decide how many hours you want spend per week. We show you the rough estimation to expect how long it’ll take to finish the course.

Our Learning Platforms

Familiarize yourself with the platforms we use in learning the course materials and connecting with other students.

A Tour Into SigmaVerse, Our Online Learning World

See our unique learning worlds for both our free and paid courses. These are designed for you to learn with your peers online similar to an actual classroom environment.

Weekly Events To Watch Out For!

Check out what events we have in store for you to fully enjoy your online learning experience with us.

Clone Projects We Cover

Take a look at what you can expect to build so that you’ll have an impressive looking portfolio to showcase your tech stacks and skills.

Personal Branding

Find out why is it so important and what are some steps you can get started on building your own personal branding.