Enroll Yourself & Get 50% Off For A Friend

Want to transform your career in tech and make it a joint venture? Look no further! Introducing our "Enroll Yourself & Get 50% Off For A Friend" campaign. When you enroll in a course and bring a friend along, you both get a sweet deal—your friend gets 50% off their tuition!

How it works

  1. Enroll in Sigma School: Sign up for one of our courses.
  2. Invite a Friend: Encourage a friend to embark on this exciting journey with you.
  3. Friend's Discount: Once your friend enrolls, they'll receive a 50% discount on their tuition fees.
  4. One-Year Limit: To take advantage of this deal, make sure your friend enrolls within one year of your own enrollment.
  5. New Enrollees Only: The referral is only valid for individuals who are not already present in Sigma School's database or not enrolled with Sigma School before the date you introduce them to us. This is to ensure that the program serves its purpose of attracting new students.

The Details

Why Join the "Enroll Yourself & Get 50% Off For A Friend" Campaign?

Ready to start your coding journey?

Contact us to get started. Take advantage of this win-win offer and make your educational journey at Sigma School a shared experience!