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5 Tips for Writing Clean Code

Sigma School
7th February 2024

Have you always wondered why developers and programmers are always focused on writing clean code? Well, that's because clean code is clear, understandable and maintainable. If anyone were to review your code, it should be understandable by the reader to allow it to be improved and maintained over time. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just a beginner who's starting out, knowing how to write clean code is an essential skill for any software developer out there. 

Here are 5 tips on how you can write clean and efficient code:

1. Use descriptive names

The simpler your code is, the easier it will be to read and maintain. Use descriptive names for variables, functions and classes – avoid unclear and non-descriptive names or short-formed words that would make it difficult to understand. Instead of "n" write "name" to provide the reader a clearer understanding of your code right of the bat. 

2. Reduce the number of characters in a line

Having long lines of code will make it more difficult to read. The size of the line should fit your screen without having to do a horizontal scroll because who enjoys reading that right? You can use vs-code extensions such as 'Prettier' to help with formatting your code and ensuring clear readability.

3. Add comments where necessary 

Adding comments is a helpful practice – it allows you to quickly show what a complex function is doing or explain the order of certain operations. Having comments can also help others understand the problems you were trying to solve with your code allowing them to find better solutions. However, do keep in mind that having too much comments will make your code looking a lot messier so avoid writing unnecessary comments.

4. Be consistent with formatting

When writing code, consistency is key! Use proper and consistent indentation, whitespace, and line breaks to keep your code readable. Inconsistent formatting can make your code harder to read. Just like how it would be difficult reading a book with inconsistent line spacing and font sizes – same goes for your code.

5. Do not repeat yourself

If you are writing the same code in 5 different places you should think of how to make it a function instead of constantly repeating yourself. Multiple lines of duplicate code will also make it harder to read and may increase the chances of errors. You should consider automating if you do need to use duplicate codes.

At the end of the day, you should prioritise on keeping your code readable to the viewer. There is so much value in writing clean code as a coder or developer. It not only is pleasant to look at but will reduce the number of problems you might encounter in the future. A great developer is technically just a good developer with great habits. Remember, coding is a continuous learning journey! 

If you are interested in learning how to code and becoming a full-fledged Software Developer, check out our Complete Software Development Programme! The course will equip you with all the skills you need to become a Software Developer and learn frontend, backend as well as mobile app development. We have options for both on-site (physical) and online learning experiences for you to choose from and mentors that will guide you every step of the way!

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