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How to learn a new programming language fast

Sigma School
7th February 2024

How to learn a new programming language fast

The process of learning takes time and requires patience and commitment – the same goes to learning a new programming language. There are unfortunately no shortcuts in life to master something in just a few hours. However, there are a few ways that you can learn faster and retain new knowledge better when it comes to learning a new programming language. 


Whether you are a beginner in coding or just want to improve your coding skills, here are some ways that you can learn a new programming language fast:


1.     Identify your “why” when choosing a programming language 


Identifying why you want to learn a specific programming language is important to understand. Each programming language is used for different types of software development. For example, if you are interested in web development, identify whether you want to go into backend or frontend – then learn a programming language based off that choice. It is also important to learn a programming language that you are interested in as this will help you to be more engaged in the learning process which will enable you to learn at a faster rate. 


2.     Don’t skip on learning the fundamentals


Once you have chosen a programming language that you want to learn, it is advisable to start learning the fundamentals and getting a good grasp of it before proceeding to learn more complex concepts. Skipping the fundamentals can cause mistakes when coding which will eventually take up more of your time as it slows down your learning journey due to having to work your way back. Just like the saying goes “You have to walk before you can run”.


3.     Practice coding


You may have heard this advice a million times before but it’s the best advice when it comes to learning programming. Reading and familiarising yourself with how the language works is important. However, you will only be able to truly understand once you start coding on your own. The best way to practice coding and understand a new programming language is by completing projects – allowing you to instill the skills and knowledge you gain as you learn. Completing projects will also help you to think more logically and critically as a developer which will be beneficial for you in the long run.


4.      Set realistic goals 


Setting a goal for yourself can also help in your learning process as it keeps you motivated and focused in the direction that you want to go. As aforementioned, learning programming requires time, effort and patience. By setting goals for yourself will allow you to measure your progress and prioritize certain actions such as making time to learn. It is crucial to note that setting unrealistic goals may cause a negative impact, so it is important to be realistic about your goals. For example, “I want to master this programming language in 7 days” is without a doubt unrealistic and can make you feel like a failure when you are unable to do so – enabling negative emotions that can demotivate you to learn further. Instead, set realistic goals that are attainable and set specific deadlines that work well for you. 


5.     Enroll in a course


Programming courses are designed are created by experience developers that can help you learn coding faster and simpler compared to self-learning. A programming course will be able to guide you to the right direction whether you are looking to pursue a career in tech or just want to upskill yourself. Enrolling into a course can also allow you to network and meet like-minded individuals that will open you up to more opportunities.


If you are looking for a programming course, we got just the right one for you! 

Check out our Complete Software Development Programme that will help you learn programming and land you a job in tech, with the #1 online live coding bootcamp in Malaysia.

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