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Best practices for code review

Sigma School
1st September 2023

Code review is an essential process in software development. It involves reviewing code written by a team member to ensure that it meets quality and performance standards. Here are some best practices for code review.

Review code frequently

Regular code review helps identify issues early on, making it easier to address them. It also helps maintain code quality and consistency throughout the development process. It is recommended that code review is done at least once a day or before merging the code into the main branch.

Set clear standards

Setting clear coding standards helps ensure that the code is consistent and maintainable. This includes naming conventions, formatting, commenting, and documentation. Having a coding style guide can help the team members understand the standards and follow them consistently.

Focus on the code, not the person

Code review should focus on the code and not on the person who wrote it. Feedback should be constructive and based on the code quality and not on the individual's personality or work ethic. The goal is to improve the code, not to criticize the person.

Use code review tools

Code review tools can automate the process and make it more efficient. These tools can check for syntax errors, coding standards, and security vulnerabilities. Using these tools can help save time and ensure that the code is of high quality.

Involve multiple reviewers

Having multiple reviewers can provide different perspectives and ensure that the code is thoroughly reviewed. It also helps prevent errors and improves the quality of the code. However, it is important to avoid having too many reviewers, as it can lead to conflicting feedback and delays in the review process.

Provide clear feedback

Feedback should be clear, specific, and actionable. It should identify the issue and provide suggestions on how to fix it. It should also explain why the change is necessary and how it affects the code's performance or functionality.

Follow up on feedback

Following up on feedback ensures that the issues are addressed and resolved. It also helps maintain accountability and ensures that the code quality is maintained. It is essential to track the progress of the review process and follow up on any unresolved issues.

In conclusion, code review is a critical process that ensures code quality and consistency. By setting clear standards, using review tools, involving multiple reviewers, and providing clear feedback, the code review process can be efficient and effective. Remember, the goal is to improve the code and maintain high standards of quality and performance.

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