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Podcast #1 - Engineer Student With Video Production Passion and His Unexpected Career in Coding

Sigma School
16th September 2024

In this podcast episode, Sigma School sits down with former student Reagan.

Originally a mechanical engineering student with a passion for video production, Reagan successfully landed a software developer job thanks to Sigma’s coding bootcamp.

His final project played a key role in securing the position.

Reagan’s Video Production Dream

Reagan Kan, currently a front-end developer at a startup, reflects on his journey leading up to his role.

He started with a degree in mechanical engineering, but his real passion was video production.

While finishing his degree, Reagan became heavily involved in video projects for his club.

This led him to consider pursuing video production as his primary career path, with engineering as a backup plan.

A Spark of Interest in Coding Through C++

His first exposure to coding came during a mechanical engineering lesson on programming with C++, where he learned to create a simple rock-paper-scissors game.

Although it was a brief introduction, it piqued his interest in coding.

He recalls watching a video from featuring tech giants like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, which reinforced the idea that coding would be essential for the future.

This sparked Reagan’s curiosity, making him realize coding wasn't overly technical, but more about teaching a machine step-by-step instructions.

Despite his interest in coding, Reagan initially pursued video production. However, the reality of the industry didn’t align with his expectations or desired lifestyle.

As a result, he began looking for a more traditional office job, which ultimately didn’t align with his engineering background.

The Turning Point Towards Coding

A turning point came when a friend introduced him to the idea of remote work in coding, explaining that a formal degree wasn't necessary to get started.

Read More: Coding Bootcamp vs. Degree in Computer Science

Encouraged by this, Reagan decided it wasn’t too late to pursue coding seriously.

He began teaching himself JavaScript and other coding languages for six months through online resources, such as YouTube and Udemy, which offered beginner-friendly and interactive tutorials.

However, after six months of self-teaching, Reagan hit a wall. He realized that while self-learning was possible, it was challenging, especially without someone to guide him through difficult problems. His situation was further complicated by the critical health conditions of two loved ones, which added emotional strain.

At this point, Reagan discovered Sigma School, which provided the structured guidance he needed to push through the barriers he had encountered in his self-learning journey.

Raegan’s Expectation vs. Reality of Sigma School

Initially, Reagan was skeptical about Sigma School’s bootcamp.

Having never heard of coding bootcamps before, he wanted to make sure it was legitimate.

He joked about imagining it as something where he'd have to pack his bags and head into the wilderness.

To ease his concerns, he visited the Sigma School office, where the staff kindly explained the program. After learning more, he realized this could be the right fit and felt reassured.

For Reagan, joining Sigma was a big decision, especially since his parents had to contribute financially, which added pressure for him to succeed and repay them in the future.

Related Reading: How to Pay for a Coding Bootcamp

Before joining, Reagan expected a strict and intense environment due to the bootcamp's short, three-month timeline.

He anticipated it would be tough, with little room for error. However, the reality was quite different.

The staff were friendly, supportive, and the environment was encouraging.

He was lucky to be part of a group of classmates who shared the same goal of improving, which motivated him to push harder.

The final project presentations at the end of the curriculum were especially rewarding for Reagan.

It gave him the chance to showcase the work he had dedicated hours to over the weeks, fueling his drive to put in even more effort.

Moments at Sigma School: The Good, The Challenging, and The Eye-Opening

Reagan described the most challenging part of the bootcamp as the final project. While it was tough, it was also the moment he felt most proud, realizing how far he'd come in his coding journey.

When asked about memorable moments, Reagan shared both the struggles and highlights.

The toughest moments came when he was learning new concepts. At times, it felt overwhelming as everything seemed to hit him at once, and he questioned whether he had what it took to succeed.

This steep learning curve became especially intense during the third month when all the pieces had to come together for the final project.

He admitted that it was a moment of doubt, but he pushed through.

Read More: How to Prepare for a Coding Bootcamp

One thing that helped Reagan overcome these challenges was discovering that he’s a visual learner.

He used a tool called, introduced to him by one of the staff members, MJ, to map out his thought process and visually connect the backend to the frontend.

This approach helped him understand and manage the complexity of the project.

On the positive side, Reagan’s entire experience at the bootcamp exceeded his expectations.

He didn’t expect to get along so well with the staff and his classmates, especially considering his background, where he often felt like a "misfit" unsure of his career path.

However, he was pleasantly surprised by how friendly, encouraging, and relatable everyone was.

Many, like him, were uncertain about their next steps, which created a supportive and motivating environment.

Beyond the Code is Skills That Go the Extra Mile

Aside from coding, Reagan emphasized that one of the biggest things he learned was how to communicate effectively about programming.

He discovered the importance of being able to explain his thought process and problems clearly to others.

In coding, a lot of the work happens in your head, especially when you're deeply focused. This can make it difficult to communicate what you're trying to achieve or the challenges you're facing.

Reagan realized that speaking out loud about what he was trying to do, even if it was tough, helped him clarify his thoughts.

He learned how to express programming concepts in a way that made sense to others, which is crucial when working in a team.

Effective communication, especially using programming terms, became a vital skill for collaborating with teammates and solving problems together.

Ultimately, Reagan found that improving his communication skills and problem-solving abilities was just as important as the technical side of coding.

From Passion to Project: The Inspiration Behind the Final Creation

Reagan’s final project was inspired by his love for movies and video production.

He created a movie review platform similar to the website Letterboxd, a site where users can review movies, add their favorite films to lists, and interact with friends.

His project allowed users to do the same—add movies to a list, give ratings, write reviews, and see reviews from friends, incorporating elements of user interaction.

He explained that the inspiration stemmed from his passion for video production, and he wanted to work on something he enjoyed.

Creating this project not only aligned with his interests but also gave him a sense of fulfillment when seeing the final product.

Reagan wanted to build something that he would enjoy showcasing to his friends, and this movie review app was the perfect project for that.

How His Project Secured Him a Software Developer Role

When asked if his final project helped him land his job, Reagan confidently said, "Definitely."

Coincidentally, the company he interviewed with was working on a movie-related project, similar to the one he had developed during the bootcamp.

During the interview, Reagan immediately showcased his project, pulling out his laptop and getting it ready to demo.

As soon as he hit "start," the interviewer was impressed, especially since they were working on a similar concept.

Reagan admitted that luck played a role, as he had no idea the company was involved in a similar project, but it worked in his favor.

Regarding any concerns about not having a traditional degree, Reagan explained that the interviewer didn’t express any doubts.

In fact, the interviewer was impressed by what Reagan had accomplished in a short amount of time through the BootCamp.

Seeing the potential in Reagan's skills and his ability to complete a relevant project, the interviewer saw a promising future for him at the company.

Learn More: Coding Bootcamp with Job Placements

Seeking Jobs in Tech Without a Computer Science Degree

When asked if the job he landed was the first one he applied to, Reagan clarified that he had applied to many positions before securing his current role.

It took him about four months of continuous job applications before landing the position he has now.

Read Further: What Jobs Can You Get After Coding Bootcamp?

Reflecting on whether he regretted taking the coding bootcamp, despite the four-month wait, Reagan said he had no regrets.

He saw a strong demand for the skills he had learned, and that gave him confidence that he would eventually find a job.

While he didn’t expect the process to take as long as it did, he never questioned his decision.

Interestingly, none of the companies he interviewed with raised concerns about his qualifications or the fact that he came from a coding bootcamp rather than having a traditional degree.

Instead, they were more focused on his project work, which served as tangible proof of his abilities.

After one month in his new role as a front-end developer, Reagan described the experience as both challenging and rewarding.

His team has been supportive, and his mentors have been helpful. He’s excited about how much he’s learning and is looking forward to continued growth in his role.

His Vision in the Next 2 Years

When asked where he sees himself in the next two years within the IT field, Reagan confidently replied that he still envisions himself coding.

Even if the project isn’t aligned with his personal interests, like a movie-related app, he expressed openness to working on different types of projects.

He acknowledged that landing a movie-related job was lucky, but he’s prepared for the possibility of working on something outside his passion.

Reagan understands that at this stage in his career, he may not have the luxury of choosing projects based on personal interests, and he’s ready to gain experience wherever he can.

"I’ll take what I can get," he said, emphasizing his willingness to embrace diverse opportunities.

To Those Like Him: Switching to Tech with a Different Degree

When asked for advice for those considering a switch to coding from another degree, Reagan encouraged them to "take one step at a time."

He acknowledged that there’s an overwhelming amount of information out there, but assured that trusting the process and staying consistent will lead to success.

On the topic of coding bootcamps versus traditional degrees, Reagan confidently stated that a bootcamp is "definitely doable."

He emphasized that while it’s a viable path, it requires dedication and hard work.

Unlike traditional programs, no one will hold your hand through the process, so it’s essential to put in the hours and effort.

Despite the challenges, Reagan believes it's a rewarding path for those willing to commit.

With that, he wrapped up by thanking the interviewer, reiterating the importance of perseverance in pursuing a coding career.

Final Thoughts

Reagan's journey, from a mechanical engineering student to a video production enthusiast, and now a front-end developer in the movie industry, highlights the transformative power of Sigma School's coding bootcamp.

His experience showcases how the bootcamp not only provided the skills he needed to make a successful career switch but also allowed him to pursue his passions in a new way.

Reagan's story is a testament that, with dedication and the right guidance, it’s possible to pivot into a new industry.

Thank you, Reagan, for sharing your inspiring journey!

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