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Top 5 soft skills to land a job in tech

Sigma School
7th February 2024

In order to land a job in tech you probably already know you’ll need to have the hard skills and technical knowledge for the job – knowing how to code, diving into programming languages, libraries and frameworks. But did you know that soft skills are just as crucial as hard skills for tech professionals?


Soft skills will help you navigate through many aspects in both life and your career. Soft skills will also help in building relationships, engage in effective communication, and solve problems. As much as hard skills are important for a successful career in tech, soft skills are an invaluable part of any tech career. Your soft skills may even be the main thing that sets you apart from other candidates that employers are looking for. 


Here are the top soft skills you need to land a job in tech:


1.     Adaptability

Considering how technology is constantly evolving, it is crucial for tech professionals to show learning agility or the ability to pick up new skills quickly. Software development is a highly adaptive and agile process. Your ability to learn and adapt is essential as software developers need to continually adapt to changing technology or their skills won’t stay relevant to employers. You can become more adaptable by increasing your learning agility by maintaining a commitment to learning and keeping up with the latest tech news. 


2.     Communication

Being able to effectively communicate is an important skill to have in any type of job or industry. A software developer is part of a larger team and need to be able to communicate effectively with teammates, clients, and other stakeholders. Effective communication in software development will save time, reduce costs and errors whilst also creating a better work environment to ensure success. One of the ways you can improve communication skills is by actively listening – an important skill to develop to be able to communicate effectively. You can also speak up more whether in meetings or to your teammates and analyze your conversations to help you further improve.


3.     Problem-solving

A big part of a software developer’s job is to solve complex problems. Good problem-solving skills involve being able to think creatively analytically – breaking down bigger complex problems into smaller parts to find solutions to the problems. Problem solving skills arise from knowledge and experience. You can improve problem solving skills by trying out and exploring the many ways there are to solve a problem. You can also try to use a more systematic approach through breaking down problems into smaller and manageable sub-problems and once they are solved, you can combine them to solve the larger part of the problem. Another way is to learn from other software developers by looking at their work learning how they solve problems which can provide you new ways of problem solving.


4.     Empathy

Building software is all about solving problems and provide tools to make life easier. But how can you solve them if you don’t understand the user’s pain points? The ability to empathize with your user and understand their problem is vital to solving the problem. Empathy is a skill that software developers need to have to be able to approach software development in the perspective of the user to build amazing software and applications. 


5.     Time management

Having good time management is an essential skill for software developers. If one person in the team has bad time management, this can slow down the entire development process – increasing the time taken for completion and increasing costs due to extensions. Time management also affects other soft skills like dependability in meeting deadlines. Being able to get work done in a timely manner is a valuable skill to have and is what employers are ultimately looking for. If you struggle with managing your time, you can improve by planning and organizing your tasks, set personal deadlines or even utilize time blocking to complete tasks on time. This can help you effectively manage your time better and eventually become a great team player for your team. 


While all the soft skills stated above are important, your technical skills is important in knowing how to complete the tasks and get the job done. Check out our Complete Software Development Programme to start building your hard skills and become a software developer. 


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