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Why should you use pair programming?

Sigma School
7th February 2024

Pair programming is a software development technique that is widely used by professionals. How this works by having two programmers work together at one workstation, with one person typing and the other person reviewing and providing feedback on the code. The two programmers then switch roles frequently, allowing both individuals to contribute to the development process and work together. This technique is often used to improve the quality of the code and reduce bugs as well as errors by having multiple perspectives review the code. It also allows code to be developed at a faster rate when working on projects. 

Pair programming is a great way to increase work efficiency while also allowing developers to enhance communication skills and contribute ideas together.

Here are some advantages of utilizing pair programming in your projects:

Increased productivity 

Pair programming allows for two sets of eyes to review and write code, leading to a higher quality of code and fewer errors. This can result in more efficient use of time and an increase in productivity.

Improved communication and teamwork 

Using pair programming encourages open communication and collaboration among team members. This can lead to a better understanding of the project and improved teamwork among the development team.

Enhanced learning and skill development

Pair programming allows for the transfer of knowledge and skills between team members. This can lead to an increase in the overall skill level of the development team and a reduction in the time required for new team members to become productive.

Increased code coverage

Pair programming allows for a more thorough code review process, which can lead to a higher level of code coverage and fewer bugs.

Flexibility and adaptability 

Pair programming allows for the development team to be more flexible and adaptable to changing requirements and new technologies. This can lead to a more efficient use of resources and the ability to respond more quickly to changes in the project.

At Sigma School, we work on a peer to peer learning model which is similar to pair programming. Our students are paired to a study buddy so they can learn together which mimics real-world work settings when working in a team. 

If you are interested in learning to code and meeting like-minded individuals, check out our Complete Software Development Programme! The course will equip you with all the skills and projects you need to become a Software Developer and work remotely.

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